Adding users to your organisation in Fleetcoach begins at the Manage Groups/Users page and is as easy as entering their email addresses.
Click the Invite Users link for the group where you want the new users.
Choose their training options from the available selections.
Enter (or paste) the email addresses for those users you wish to invite to Fleetcoach. Be sure to separate each email address with a comma, a space or a new line.
Note: if some of your users do not have email addresses then see Adding users who don't have email addresses.
If there are any issues identified with the email addresses entered then you will be prompted to resolve the issue (e.g. invalid email address) or confirm the action (e.g. resending an invite). You will see a separate entry for each address that requires confirmation or an action. The actions available to you are:
- Remove the email address
- Edit the email address
- Leave the email address to confirm the action
When you have checked each of the email addresses identified, click the 'Send Invites' button to complete the invitation process. Fleetcoach manages the email invitations and provides your new users with all the information they need to register and begin their training. You'll see these users with a status of Invited.
Note: We do what we can to encourage users to accept their invitations. Users receive regular reminder emails until they accept the invitation and register.