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Your panicked face on a billboard...

What would your face look like if you were about to be hit by a car? Well this controversial new ad campaign shows you exactly that...
Person seeing their own panicked face on a billboard

Paris sees the highest numbers of pedestrian injuries and fatalities compared with any other European city. So they knew they had to do something, and do something they did.

This drastic new campaign is a world first. A camera catches a pedestrian crossing on red, and plays a loud 'squealing brakes' sound, despite there being no cars approaching. The pedestrian gets a fright, and a second camera captures their expression, immediately transferring it to a sign on the other side of the crossing. The purpose? To show people what might have happened - and more than that, to allow people to experience the fright of considering what might have happened.

You can watch a video showing the campaign here, and read the full article here.

After being photographed, users could permit their image to be used across the campaign, and use a QR code to hear messages from crash survivors, to then take a pledge to stop the habit crossing on a red light.

Pretty drastic indeed - but we think it's for a great cause!

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