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Stress less! New module out

Brand new in Fleetcoach, our Stress module. Find out more in this post!
cartoon image of a caveman 'fighting' a lion, with another caveman running away (flight)

If you're human, you know what stress is. If you work for a living you've probably felt it, if you have employees you've seen it, and unless you live in a cave, you'll know there are some downsides. But how does it relate to driving? Well, driving can be seriously affected by stress, and can actually be a source of stress in itself. Tricky huh!

The new Fleetcoach 'Stress' module covers:

  • What stress is, and how it can interact with driving
  • How to recognise stress in yourself and others
  • What can happen if you don’t
  • How you can benefit if you do

Plus some of the latest research on stress, including information on how what we think about can mitigate the negative effects of it on our bodies and minds.

Because it's a Fleetcoach module, you know you're getting something a little bit different. We don't preach, and we won't say unreasonable things like 'stress less, and feel the difference'. Just all the information you need, taking into account the particular situation you might be in.

Our Premium subscribers will find this new module on their dashboards. Come and have a chat to us if your organisation is interested in becoming a Premium subscriber.

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