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Resolutions to save lives - maybe your own

Let's set some New Year's Resolutions that will make a huge difference to other people shall we?

Drink more water, run 3 kms every day, call your mother more often. There's nothing wrong with deciding to do these things in 2017. But we've got some extra suggestions for resolutions.

Let's set some New Year's Resolutions that will make a huge difference to other people shall we?

Let's decide to never drive distracted, because we know that distracted drivers are dangerous ones.

Let's remember that speeding up in a passing lane is annoying, dangerous, and gives us a sense of safety which is entirely imagined.

Let's be awesome and safe pedestrians when we're walking.

Let's get to know ourselves, so we can recognise when we're actually way too tired to be driving.

And while we're at it...

Let's consider walking some of the time, because it's great for us, uses less petrol, and means we'll live longer.

Happy 2017 everyone! From the team at Fleetcoach.

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