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New release: Speed module

The new speed specific skills module will provide coaching all about ?speed and your relationship with it. It's delivered in our usual light but scientifically proven style, so you know you'll learn a thing or two!
Cartoon image of a car driving through a number of road conditions

Do you have the need for speed?

You’re running late, the roads are familiar and you’re in a good car - a little excess speed couldn't hurt if it gets you there on time, could it? Speed is a major cause of crashes but is easily preventable.

We're really excited to be able to release our ​latest Specific Skills module, all about ​speed and your relationship with it. It'll take you about 20 minutes to do, and it's in our usual light but scientifically proven style, so you know you'll learn a thing or two!

If you're on the full Fleetcoach ​programme (Premium), you'll see this new module on your dashboard as soon as you attain a minimum of 3 stars in the Skills Awareness programme. If you're keen to expand your Fleetcoach membership to include this module then have a chat to us today.

Log in and give the new module a go today!

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