Changing Mindsets

The transition to electric vehicles just makes sense! There are plenty of reasons why the transition to electric vehicles is the best, and possibly the only, way forward. Included in that reasoning we know running a BEV is better for the environment; we can reduce costs long term; there are less pollutants so better for our health; and the better handling, quieter, smoother vehicle is great to drive! So, everyone can’t wait to make the switch, right? It would seem that’s not the case. Not yet anyway. In this, the last of our three-part blog series relating to the transition to EV’s we discuss how important changing mindsets is to enable progress.

We know running a BEV is better for the environment; we can reduce costs long term; there are less pollutants so better for our health; and the better handling, quieter, smoother vehicle is great to drive!

So, everyone can’t wait to make the switch, right?

We have previously given you some great ideas on what you need to electrify your journey and how to prepare your drivers for a different type of vehicle. Now we would like to help emphasise the benefits of this change.

Changing Mindsets

Firstly, remind your drivers of the steps taken to devise a clear strategy and prepare them to succeed. These include:

·        Purchasing the right equipment

·        Providing smart and flexible charging

·        Ensuring the vehicles will meet current route requirements

·        Explaining driving/charging etiquette

·        Tips on efficient driving

·        Knowledge of the practical aspects when driving BEV’s

Once decisions on equipment and vehicles have been made, and your drivers are aware of what is going to happen, then request some feedback before moving forward. This is not about involving them in the decision making process, more about discovering what your drivers like about the current system and what challenges they think they might face when they move to EV’s.

Ask generic questions around what your driver’s day contains, how they use their current vehicle and what they think might be different. Whether this is at a toolbox meeting, or your managers approaching a handful of drivers individually to get an overall picture, or using a companywide feedback platform, this information will help during the transition.

‘Before and after’ data is important to changing the culture around driver safety, so make sure you then let your staff know of the outcomes while switching to EV’s. Keeping everyone in the loop and providing as much information as possible makes them feel involved and part of the process. Even if it’s just to tell them you’ll make results available as things progress  – maybe six months after the switch - it will make the change smoother.

Last, but not at all least: make the change a positive experience. That includes both the change of vehicles and the change of mindset. Start positive and keep that feeling at the forefront of the process.

If you know you are moving to EV’s, help your drivers see what’s good – they will be more eager to learn, which will help them drive safer and work safer!

Find out more about transitioning to EV's by reading the other blogs in this series: Electrify your journey and Train the right stuff.

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